Posts Tagged ‘scout’


Plein Air September 13

September 26, 2011

September 13 #1, Oil on Canvas Panel 6" x 8"

September 13 #2, Oil on Canvas Panel 6" x 8"

The Eagle’s Nest group planned a paint out for a “hidden” location. I have traveled along this road hundreds of times, but never knew that there was a scout cabin here. I always saw fields and at this location, some overgrowth.

The directions were fairly good, but it seems that all of us drove right past the entrance before backtracking to enter the dirt drive. Interesting location which should yield some good scenes as the colors change as we move through the phases of autumn. One catch, a barbed wire fence surrounds the main field. Extra caution required, one of the wires is electric. One of our crew got quite a shock.